
​I will know that only those with inferior ability can always be at their best ,and I am not inferior.There will be days when I must IN THE WORLD constantly struggle against forces which would tear me down,Those such sa despair and sadness are simple to recognize but there are others which approach with a smile and the hand of friendship and they can slso destroy me.Against them,too.I must never relinquish control.我將明白只有低能者才會江郎才盡,我並非低能者。我必須不斷對抗那些企圖摧垮我得力量。失望與悲傷一眼就會被識破,而其他許多敵人是不易察覺的,它們往往面帶微笑,伸出友誼之手,卻隨時有可能將我們摧垮。對它們,我們永遠不能放鬆警惕。
​And with this new knowledge I will also understand and recognize the moods of him on whom i call, I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind.i can withstand him arrows and insults for now I know that tomorrow he will change and be a joy to approach.有了這項新本領,我也更能體察別人的情緒變化。我寬容怒氣沖沖的人,因為他尚未懂得控制自己的情緒,我可以忍受他的指責和辱罵,因為我知道明天他會改變,重新變得隨和。
​No longer will I judge a man on one meeting;no longer will i fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today.this day he will not buy gold chariots for a penny,yet tomorrow he would exchange his home for a tree.My knowledge of this secret will be my key to great wealth.我不再只憑一面之交來判斷一個人,也不再因他今日的可惡而明日不給他打電話。今天不肯花一分錢買金蓬馬車的人,明天他也許會用全部家當換一顆樹苗。知道了這個秘密,我可以獲得極大的財富。
​Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind,and in me.From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day.I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.我從此領悟到人類和我自己情緒變化的奧秘。對於自己千變萬化的個性,我不在聽之任之,我將積極主動的控制情緒,從而掌握自己的命運。I will become master of myself.我將成為自己的主人。


