
The idea that people can be fat but medically fit is a myth, sayexperts speaking in Portugal.


They say people who were obese but who had no initial signs ofheart disease, diabetes or high cholesterol were not protected fromill health in later life, contradicting previous research.


The term "fat but fit" refers to the alluring theory that ifpeople are obese but all their other metabolic factors such asblood pressure and blood sugar are within recommended limits thenthe extra weight will not be harmful.


In this study, researchers at the University of Birminghamanalysed data of millions of British patients between 1995 and 2015to see if this claim held true.


They tracked people who were obese at the start of the study(defined as people with a body mass index of 30 or more) who had noevidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol ordiabetes at this point.


They found these people who were obese but "metabolicallyhealthy" were at higher risk of developing heart disease, strokesand heart failure than people of normal weight.


Dr Mike Knapton, from the British Heart Foundation, said:"Whatwas new from this study for me is that it showed that people whowere overweight or obese were at increased risk of heart diseaseeven though they may have been healthy in every other respect.


"Just being overweight puts you at increased risk of heartattack and stroke."


Other studies suggest it might just be possible to be fat andhave the right genes, for example, to remain fit.


For example research published in 2012 appears to suggests it ispossible for people to buck the trend and be fat and healthy ifthey have no metabolic diseases.


And other studies have suggested that it is not always theamount of fat that matters but where the excess fat is carried onthe body that can affect fitness and health.


Overall, experts say it is important to not just focus on whatyou see in the mirror or on the scales - exercise and healthyeating can help boost wellness, no matter how much a personweighs.

