




Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes totranslate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write youranswer on Answer Sheet 2.







促進,推進promote (v.)

設施;設備 facility (n.)



此句主要考查一些常用短語,如「教育設施」(educational facilities),農村地區(ruralareas),「義務教育」(compulsory education),中西部地區( central and westernareas),在複習要注重積累此類常用表達。


In order to promote equality in education, China has invested 36billion yuan to improve educational facilities in rural areas andstrengthen rural compulsory education in central and westernareas.



資金;基金fund (n.)

購買,採購purchase (v.)


「使……受益」表示的是前半句產生的結果,可用含有現在分詞的狀語從句「benefiting …」表達。


These funds are used to improve teaching facilities and purchasebooks, benefiting more than 160,000 primary and secondaryschools.



工具;樂器,器材instrument (n.)

多山的,山區的;巨大的mountainous (a.)

臨海的,沿海的coastal (a.)


原文的第二句是第一句產生的結果,因此可用表示結果的連詞「thus/so/therefore」 譯作一句話。

「與……一樣」,可以使用the same as來表達。


The funds are also used to purchase musical instrument andpainting tools, thus children in rural and mountainous areas noware able to enjoy the same music and painting lessons as thoseliving in coastal cities.



轉學;使轉移transfer (v.)


此句中主語是「一些學生」(somestudents),「為接受……上學的」可使用含有關係代詞「who」的定語從句來修飾主語(who has transferred toschools in cities for better education)。


Some students who has transferred to schools in cities forbetter education are now back to their local rural schools。


In order to promote equality in education, China has invested 36billion yuan to improve educational facilities in rural areas andstrengthen rural compulsory education in central and western areas.These funds are used to improve teaching facilities and purchasebooks, benefiting more than 160,000 primary and secondary schools.The funds are also used to purchase musical instrument and paintingtools, thus children in rural and mountainous areas now are able toenjoy the same music and painting lessons as those living incoastal cities. Some students who has transferred to schools incities for better education are now back to their local ruralschools.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes totranslate a passage from Chinese into English. You should writeyour answer on Answer Sheet 2.

波士頓諮詢公司(Boston ConsultingGroup)最近做的一項研究顯示,到2020年中國將會有2.2億家庭收入在2萬到100萬美元的富裕消費者。這些消費者中75%住在「較小城市」。隨著網路的發展,較小城市的消費者的一種必然趨勢是他們更加依賴社交網路上的信息。很多網路顧客都是通過微信、微博和QQ空間分組的。據估計今年中國將會有2.5億消費者網購,位於四線城市的消費者平均每人會花費他們50%或者更高的工資在網購上,這一數據要比一線城市的消費者的花費高。





家庭收入household earning;



該句主幹為:一項研究顯示,即:A studysays...;「波士頓諮詢公司最近做的」是定語,修飾「研究」,「做研究」可用動詞conduct表示,此處可以將該定語處理為定語從句,即:whichwas conducted by the Boston ConsultingGroup,也可以用過去分詞短語作後置定語來表達。

該句後半部分是賓語從句,其主幹為:中國將會有2.2億富裕消費者,即:There will be 220 millionaffluent consumers inChina;「家庭收入在2萬到100萬美元的」作定語,可以處理為定語從句,修飾consumers,但是該定語從句中的主語是「家庭收入」,與consumers之間是從屬關係,故用whose引導,即:whosehousehold earning is between $20,000 to $1million,此外,還可以將定語從句中的主語進行轉換,用who引導。


A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group saysthere will be 220 million affluent consumers, who are fromhouseholds earning between $20,000 to $1 million, in China by2020.





And 75 percent of them will live in 「smaller」 cities.



依賴depend on/be dependent on;

社交網路social network。



「隨著網路的發展」可以譯為with the development of theInternet;「較小城市的消費者的」實際指「在較小城市的消費者中存在的」,故譯為:among theseconsumers;表語從句中包含一個比較級結構:be much more dependent on。


With the development of the Internet, an inevitable trend amongthese consumers is they are much more dependent on information fromsocial network.








Many of the website』s customers are 「grouped」 by Wechat, Weiboand QQ Zones.



四線城市fourth-tier city;

一線城市first-tier city或者top-tier cities。


「據估計」可用It is estimatedthat...句型表達,that後跟真正的主語從句。在主語從句中,包含兩層含義:中國有2.5億消費者網購,四線城市的消費者花費多;在翻譯時,可用兩個並列分句表達。

「今年中國將會有2.5億消費者網購」是簡單句,可譯為:250 million Chinese consumers willshop online this year。

第二個分句較複雜,其主幹為:消費者每人會花費工資在網購上,即:the average shopper will spendtheir income one-commerce;然後將「四線城市的」和「50%或者更高的」兩個定語分別譯出即可;「這一數據要比一線城市的消費者的花費高」該句若直譯,比較啰嗦,所以用比較狀語表達即可:thanthose in top-tier cities。


It is now estimated that 250 million Chinese consumers will shoponline this year and the average shopper in a fourth-tier city inChina will spend 50 percent or more of their income on e-commercethan those in top-tier cities.


A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group saysthere will be 220 million affluent consumers, who are fromhouseholds earning between $20,000 to $1 million, in China by 2020.And 75 percent of them will live in 「smaller」 cities. With thedevelopment of the Internet, an inevitable trend among theseconsumers is they are much more dependent on information fromsocial network. Many of the website』s customers are 「grouped」 byWechat, Weibo and QQ Zones. It is now estimated that 250 millionChinese consumers will shop online this year and the averageshopper in a fourth-tier city in China will spend 50 percent ormore of their income on e-commerce than those in top-tiercities.

