
doze off

do not sleep a wink 一夜沒合眼

have a cat nap 打個小盹

take a nap 小憩一會兒

take a snooze 打個盹兒

doze off 打瞌睡

have a siesta 午睡

half asleep 半睡半醒

hit the sack 倒頭就睡

heavy/light sleeper 睡覺很沉/輕的人

sleep like a log/rock 睡得很死;睡得很香

sleep like a baby 像嬰兒一樣安然熟睡;睡的很香

sleep around the clock 睡了一整天

catch napping 抓住某人正在打盹,走神兒;乘人不備,措手不及


insomnia 失眠

sleep disorder 睡眠障礙

jet lag 時差綜合症,由時差造成的疲勞和睡眠障礙

nightmare 噩夢

sleepwalking 夢遊

sleep naked 裸睡

beauty sleep 美容覺

Some examples:

1. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I need to have a cat nap/take a nap/ take a snooze now. 我昨晚一夜沒合眼,現在我要去休息一會兒。

2. After reading for all afternoon, he began to doze off. 讀了整個下午的書,他開始打瞌睡了。


3. I often have a siesta after lunch. 吃過午飯後,我經常午睡一會兒。

4. Everyone sleeps like a log, so no one heard the thunderstorm in the middle of the night.


5. Nothing can wake her up. She sleeps like a baby. 沒有什麼能吵醒她,她睡的很香。

6. Don't let the boss catch you napping! 別讓老闆發現你走神兒!

