Being 的用法和注意點

一、現在分詞 being 的用法

I. 「be 的現在時或過去時形式 + being + 過去分詞」用於現在進行時被動態或過去進行時被動態中。注意英語不用將來進行時被動態,也不用各種完成進行時的被動態。

  1. Inside the sun, matter is being changed to energy. 物質在太陽中不斷地變為能量。

  2. When we came into the factory,that multi media computer was being repaired by an engineer. 當我們進入工廠時,那台多媒體計算機正由一位工程師在修理。

II. being… 用於作定語,一般和過去分詞連用,放在被說明名詞后,表示進行時被動意義。


  1. The instrument being repaired is a new type of measuring instrument. 正在被修理的這台儀器是一台新型的測量儀。

  2. The house being built will be our new laboratory. 正在蓋的那所房子將是我們的新實驗室。

注意:上述兩句中作後置定語的「being + 過去分詞」結構有時還可相應地用 under repair 和 under construction 代替。又如 the problems being studied (或 investigated, discussed, considered 等) 就可改用 the problems under study (或 investigation, discussion, consideration 等) 來代替,並可分別譯為「所研究的(或被調查的,所討論的,被考慮的)這些問題等」。


III. being 用於狀語,一般有逗號,翻譯時常加表示狀語的辭彙,如 「由於…」、「…時」、「作為…」等。

  1. Being very small, atoms cannot be seen by ordinary methods. 由於原子太小,用普通方法就不能見到原子。

  2. (Being) Cooled in the air, this kind of steel becomes harder and harder. 這種鋼在空氣中冷卻時,就變得越來越硬。

  3. Being students of engineering, we need to know how to use modern computers. 我們作為工科學生,就需要懂得如何使用現代化的計算機。(句中 Being 還可用 As 代替。)

  4. Scientists working with the ocean are now wondering whether the ocean can go on being the wastebasket for these unsafe remains. 從事海洋研究的科學家現在都想知道海洋是否還能繼續成為容納這些危險的殘餘物質的廢紙簍。(本句中 being 則是 go on 後面要求使用 -ing 的固定用法。)

Ⅳ. being 用於獨立分詞結構,具有含蓄地表示各種狀語的意味。(聯繫第 54 節有關廣義的帶有 -ing 的獨立分詞結構。)

  1. The temperature being below 0℃, water turns into ice. 當溫度低於 0℃ 時水就變為冰。(時間狀語)

  2. That being the case, we will have to make some alternations in the plan. 情況既然這樣,我們就得把計劃作一些更改。(原因狀語)

  3. Washing machines are built in various types, their functions being the same. 洗衣機可製成各種型式,雖然其功能相同。(讓步狀語)

  4. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit is low. 如果電阻很大,則電路內電流就小。(條件狀語)

  5. There are a large number of different shapes of machine tools, each being made for some particular kind of work. 各種機床的形狀大不相同,每一種都是為特殊的一類加工而製作的。(伴隨情況)

Ⅴ. being 用於介詞后的複合賓語結構即「介詞 + 名詞或代詞 + being +… 」中。這裡 being 為現在分詞。 (聯繫第 54 節、四、ⅩⅣ-B。)

  1. The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with the temperature being constant. 在溫度不變條件下,氣體壓強和體積成反比。

  2. They insisted upon (或 on) their device being tested under the operating conditions. 他們堅持他們的裝置要在運轉條件下進行試驗。

  3. We are pleased at them being successful. 我們為他們成功而感到高興。(若用 their 代替 them,則後面 being 為動名詞。)

  4. a. The current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to electric energy. 所產生的電流是化學能變為電能的結果。

    b. Coal, petroleum, and electricity are all the sources of heat now being used. 煤、石油和電都是當前使用的熱源。(與 a 句中相應結構相似,但本句中 being 短語為後置定語,而 a 句中 being 和前面名詞 chemical energy 卻構成複合結構。必須根據上下文進行邏輯判斷。)

二、動名詞 being 短語在句中頂一個名詞用,可作介詞賓語、動詞賓語或主語用

  1. Water has the property of dissolving sugar, sugar (has) the property of being dissolved by water. 水具有溶解糖的特性,糖則具有被水溶解的特性。(介詞賓語)

  2. The race result is far from being satisfactory. 賽跑結果遠非令人滿意。(介詞賓語)

  3. She does not like being treated unequally. 她不願受到不平等的待遇。(動詞賓語)

  4. Not being able to speak English made her feel strange. 當時不會講英語使她感到很不自在。(主語)

  5. The basement smelled damp after being closed for such along time. 地下室關閉這麼長時間,聞起來有潮濕氣味。(介詞賓語)

三、「be + being + 表語」用於表示一時的表現

  1. He is not being modest today. 他今天表現不太謙虛。

  2. They are being friendly. 他們這樣做是為了表示友好。(意譯)

  3. He is being a good boy today. 他今天可是個好孩子。

四、「there being… 」結構的用法。參閱第105節三、四

