


Roald Amundsen first studied medicine at the University of Christiana, but dropped out in order to go to sea because he enjoyed adventures. His first Antarctic trip was in 1899. He was the first ever to pass winter in Antarctica as the ship became stuck in the ice and couldn』t move until the ice turned into water in the following spring. His fellows all believed in him as a leader.


He led his first polar expedition in the Arctic from 1903-1906 in the Gjoa, successfully passing the 「Northwest Passage」 in a small ship. The next big expedition was to crossthe North Pole in the ship Fram built for the fellow Norwegian explorer Nansen. The Fram was unusual and was designed and built for polar travel. Ithad a round bottom. This kind of ship kept away the danger of being stuck in ice.


Before the expedition set off to the North Pole, Amundsenheard the news that Peary had reached their goal. He felt that he was beaten. So plans were changed in a hurry and Amundsen set out to lead the party that would be the first to reach the South Pole instead.






① 表示持續動作的動詞。

② 改變或移動的動詞。這兩類動詞既可用於非進行體,也可用於進行體。



①表達思維活動的動詞,如: know, want, believe, realize, remember, think, understand等;

②表示情感的動詞,如:love, like, hate, hope等;

③表示擁有和存在的動詞,如: have, be, appear, belong, contain (包含), seem, stay, possess (擁有), own等;

④感官動詞,如: see, feel, hear, look, smell, sound, taste等。



He is being foolish. (= is acting foolishly)

I am hearing lectures at the university. (= am attending)

This mistake is costing us dearly. (= is bringing great injury to us)

Now you are understanding this a little better. (= are beginning to understand)

親愛的朋友,你都學會了嗎? 來做兩道題測試一下吧!



1. ① Look, the boy ______ (hold) a big dictionary in his hand.

② People no longer ______(hold) the belief that boys are more valuable than girls.

2. ① The manager is not free now because he ______ (have) a meeting in the office.

② Mr. Brown, I _____ (have) some questions to ask you.

3. ① We all ______ (consider) him an honest boy.

② Your father ______ (consider) how to write his report, so don』t bother him.

4. ① The old man ______ (measure) his grandson in the garden now.

② His grandson ______ (measure) 1.90 metres tall.

5. ① —What are you doing over there?

—I ______ (smell) the flowers.

② All the flowers in the garden _______ (smell) sweet.




