
Record Neymar transfer threatens to shake-up elite football


When FC Barcelona inserted a €222m buyout clause(辭彙翻譯)into the contract of new signing Neymar four years ago, club officials believed no rival could afford such an astronomical fee.四年前,當巴塞羅那足球俱樂部在簽入內馬爾的合同中加入一條2.22億歐元的解約金條款時,俱樂部官員認為沒有競爭對手能夠出得起這樣的天文數字費用


This week, Paris Saint-Germain activated the clause, forcing the Spanish club to allow the Brazilian player to open talks on the most expensive transfer in football history.本周,巴黎聖日耳曼激活了這一條款,迫使巴塞羅那允許巴西球員內馬爾開啟這一足球史上最貴轉會(辭彙翻譯)的談判。

Should(IF虛擬省略)the Neymar deal go through, it will shake up football. The sport』s authorities are under pressure to scrutinise and even block the transfer, which challenges the efficacy of rules designed to ensure clubs do not spend beyond their means. 內馬爾這筆交易如果完成(小詞活用),將震撼足球界(小詞活用)。足球官方機構正迫於壓力對此次轉會進行嚴格審查,甚至加以阻止。這筆交易挑戰了旨在確保俱樂部不會超支的規則的效力


The acquisition could signal a shift in the power balance among Europe』s elite clubs. Barcelona, one of the continent』s traditional superpowers, faces the loss of one its star players against its will. The Spanish club』s illustrious(寫作替換)history could not match the raw(小詞活用)financial clout of PSG, owned by Qatar Sports Investments , a state-funded group. 這筆交易可能意味著歐洲足球豪門之間力量平衡轉變。歐洲傳統強隊巴塞羅那可能將不情願地失去其明星球員。這家西班牙俱樂部的輝煌歷史無法匹敵巴黎聖日耳曼的強大財務實力,巴黎聖日耳曼的所有者是卡達國有公司卡達體育投資公司。

Industry experts said the move also showed how a team sport has moved towards a superstar-centric financial model. 「If you think how football was 30 years ago, then the overwhelming majority of a team』s money came from the local fan base(小詞活用),」 said Stefan Szymanski, author of Money and Football: A Soccernomics Guide. 業內專家表示,此事也展示了一項團隊運動如何走向以超級明星為中心的金融模式。《金錢與足球:足球經濟學指南》一書的作者斯特凡•希曼斯基表示:「回想30年前的足球界,絕大多數的球隊資金都來自(小詞活用)當地球迷

「The difference today is the global reach(辭彙翻譯) of teams, through all forms of media, so that the revenue generating potential comes from global celebrities like Neymar, [Lionel] Messi and [Cristiano] Ronaldo. 「今天不同的是球隊通過各種形式的媒體獲得的全球影響力,因此球隊的創收來源可能是內馬爾、梅西(Messi)、C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)等全球名人。

「It』s not impossible to imagine, bizarrely, that this transfer may even pay off one day.」 「奇怪的是,可以想象此次轉會費用甚至可能在日後賺回來。」

