

1. eager adj. 渴望的

be eager for sth be eager to do

2. earn v. 掙;贏得;

arn a living /earn one』sliving

she earns the respect of her students.


Easiersaid than done 說時容易做時難

Take it easy 別急,放鬆

4. ◎educate v. 教育, 培養

educated a. 受過教育的

an educated person


education n. 教育

receive a good education

5. effect n. 影響,效果

cause and effect 因果

bringsth into effect 使生效

come into effect 生效

takeeffect 開始起作用,見效

have a … effect onsb/sth 對某人、某物有….影響

The medicine soon took effect.

Newcontrols come into effect next month.

v. affect

Does television affect children』s behaviour?


Does television have an effect anchildren』s behaviour?

6.effort n. 努力

makean effort /make every effort/ make efforts做出努力

spare no effort(s) 不遺餘力

7. elder n 長者;長輩;adj年紀較長的(只做定語)

elder sister 大姐

Children have no respect for their eldersnowadays.

8. ●elect(投票)選舉

v. elect sb.(as)…

an elected leader/representative

n. election

win/lose a election

run for election 參加競選

9. ◎ 1)electrical a. 電的,電器的

lectrical equipment/engineer

2)electric用電的,電動的 electric current 電流electricshock 電擊 electricblanket

3) electronic 電子的 electronic calendar

10. else

adj 別的/其他的(做後置定語)

or else 否則

Youcan use somebody else』s car.

who else can do it?

11. ◎embarrass

v. 使尷尬embarrassed -embarrassing–embarrassment

embarrass sb.

feelembarrassed about

12. ◎emergencyn. 緊急情況

in case of (an) emergency

13. ◎encouragement

n. 鼓勵-encourage-encouraged-encouraging

encourage sb to do sth

14. end


v.結束;終止 bring sth to an end

end up in failure

put an end to sth

end up doing

come to an end

end up with

15. ◎ energetic a. 精力旺盛的,精力充沛的

energetically adv.

energy n. 精力

be full of energy

16. enough

n 足夠 adj足夠的/充分的 ad足夠地/充分地

Ican』t thank you enough.=I can』t thank you too much.

oldenough to go to school

There are enough chairs for the guests.

17. enter vt進入,參加

entrance 入口,入學

enter a room

enter for …報名參加…

enter the competition

the entrance to the hall

the college entrance exanimation 大學入學考試

18. ◎ enthusiastic a. 熱情的,熱心的

enthusiastically adv.

beenthusiastic about

19. ●entry進入

Countries seeking entry into the EuropeanUnion.

20. ◎environmentn. 環境

protect the environment

environmentally friendly

21. envyvt/ n嫉妒/羨慕

envysb sth

the envy of sb

22. equaladj平等的,相同的 vt等於

beequal to sth/doing

equal the worldrecord

23. ●equip vt.提供設備;裝備;配備 ________,_________

equip …with

be fully equipped

The course is designed to equip students fora career innursing.


apiece of equipment

24.escape v / n 逃跑,逃脫

escape +n/doing逃避…

escape from …逃離(地點)

anarrow escape

26. everyother day= every second day= every two days每隔一天、每兩天

everyfew days 每幾天


adj 精確的

to be exact 確切的說


This is exactly what he needs.


have one』s eyes examined

29.example n榜樣

set an example to/for sb

take sth for example

follow sb』s example

30. except prep除…之外

Hiscomposition is good except for some spelling mistakes.

I didn』t tell him anything except that I needed the money.

31. ◎ exchange 交換,調換,交流 n.

1)fairexchange 公平的交換

2) in exchange 作為交換

He gave me a book and I gave him a pen inexchange

3) in exchange for sth 和…交換 I took his watch in exchange inexchange forcamera

v. exchange A for B =exchange B with A


32. excite vt 使興奮/使激動

If the loud noise excites the lion, he mayattack you.

Weare excited to hear the exciting news.

in an excited voice

33.exist vi 存在

There exists no life on themoon.(有…)

◎existence n. 存在

come into existence 開始存在,成立

be in existence 存在

35. ●expect預料;盼望;認為,預料,預期,預計

You can』t expect to learn a foreign languagein a few months.

expectsth of/from sb.

expect too much of sb

I except so/ I don』t except so

----Will you be late? ----I expect so. ( I guess / think so)

As expected, they finished the workahead of time.

◎expectation n. 預料,期望

beyond (all) expectation(s) 出乎意料

contrary to (all) expectations 和預料相反

come up tpo one』s expectations 達到期望水平

fall short of one』s expectations 沒達到期望

in expectation of 準備(有某種情況)

Heclosed the windows in ~ of rain.


n 經歷(cn) 經驗(un) v 經歷,體驗

experience a different culture

beexperienced in sth/doing = haveexperience in sth/ doing

37. experiment n 實驗

make/ do/perform/carry out an experiment

38. ◎expert n. 專家

Heis an ~ cook.

adj. 有經驗的 be ~at

He is ~ at playing the piano.

39. explainv 解釋 explain sth to sb

explanation n 解釋

40. ◎exploit vt. 利用, 剝削

In the past, farmers were ~ by landlords.

開採,開發 We must ~ the country s mineralresources

exploitation n.

41. ●explore vt./vi 勘探 explore sth for sth

exploration n. oilexploration

43. ●expose揭露 陳述,揭露(尤指對令人震驚的或故意保密的事實)

My job as a journalist is to expose thetruth.

露出 Hesmiled ,exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.

Don』t expose a baby to strong sunlight.

44. expressv, 表達; adj, 快的


You are free to express yourselves in class.

have a worried expression on one』s face

45.eye n 眼睛/眼力

have an eye for sth 對…有鑒賞力

keep an eye on sb/sth 照看/留意

catch one』s eye 吸引注意力


