









精益生產的概念和基本原則The concept and principle of lean production

精益生產的歷史:TPS及其演變The history of lean production: TPS and its changing

精益生產的原則The principle of lean production: 價值和浪費;快速響應客戶Value and Muda, quick response


精益生產的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持續改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement

七大浪費 7-Muda

精益生產的組織The organization of lean production:小組工作法 Group job methods

精益生產的基礎The fundamental of leano production 5S

5S的含義The meaning of 5S:整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、素養SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE

5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S


5S的實務技巧 5S implement skills

5S實施過程的優化 5S implement process optimizing

準時化生產的基礎The fundamental of JIT production

流線化生產Flowo production

流線化生產與批量生產的區別The differences between flow production and batch manufacturing

流線化生產的八個條件 8-condition for flow production


單元設計Cellular layout

流線化生產的設備選擇Equipment selecting for flow production

看板管理Kanban managemento

什麼是看板What is Kanban

看板的實施方法The implement methods for Kanban

實施看板管理的限制條件The limited condition of Kanban management implement


快速換線的理念 The idea of SMED

內部作業與外部作業的分離Separate the-operation between outside and inside

將內部作業轉化為外部作業Turn the inside-operation to outside operation

作業的優化Operation optimizing

精益生產的設備管理Equipment management in lean production TPM

TPM的概念和發展The concept and development of TPM

故障的種類與預防Breakdown types and its prevention

TPM的設備基礎管理Equipment essential management of TPM

TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM

TPM實施的十三步驟13 phases for TPM implementing

案例分析Case studyo

工廠5S分析(根據現場拍攝照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site)

工廠生產線設置分析Production line layout analysis

快速換線案例分析Case study for SMED

TPM案例分析 Case analysis for TPM

精益生產的概念和基本原則The concept and principle of lean production

精益生產的歷史:TPS及其演變The history of lean production: TPS and its changing

精益生產的原則The principle of lean production: 價值和浪費;快速響應客戶Value and Muda, quick response

精益生產的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持續改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement

七大浪費 7-Muda

精益生產的組織The organization of lean production:小組工作法 Group job methods

精益生產的基礎The fundamental of lean production 5S

5S的含義The meaning of 5S:整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、素養SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE

5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S

5S的實務技巧 5S implement skills

5S實施過程的優化 5S implement process optimizing

準時化生產的基礎The fundamental of JIT production

流線化生產Flow production

流線化生產與批量生產的區別The differences between flow production and batch manufacturing

流線化生產的八個條件 8-condition for flow production


單元設計Cellular layout

流線化生產的設備選擇Equipment selecting for flow production

看板管理Kanban management

什麼是看板What is Kanban

看板的實施方法The implement methods for Kanban

實施看板管理的限制條件The limited condition of Kanban management implement


快速換線的理念 The idea of SMED

內部作業與外部作業的分離Separate the operation between outside and inside

將內部作業轉化為外部作業Turn the inside operation to outside operation

作業的優化Operation optimizing

精益生產的設備管理Equipment management in lean production TPM

TPM的概念和發展The concept and development of TPM

故障的種類與預防Breakdown types and its prevention

TPM的設備基礎管理Equipment essential management of TPM

TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM

TPM實施的十三步驟13 phases for TPM implementing

案例分析Case study

工廠5S分析(根據現場拍攝照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site)

工廠生產線設置分析Production line layout analysis

快速換線案例分析Case study for SMED

TPM案例分析 Case analysis for TPM


快速換線介紹Introduction to Quick Changeover


均衡生產Level production

快速換線的目的Goals of Quick Changeover

快速換線和JIT的關係QCO and JIT

批量生產與均衡生產Batch production and level production

快速換線的好處The benefits from QCO

換線時間和換線中的浪費Change time and waste in changeover operations

內部和外部換線時間Internal and External Change Time

內部換線時間轉化Internal Change Time Conversion

換線時間公式Changeover time formula

七種浪費Seven kinds of waste

換線作業中的浪費Waste in changeover operations

換線改進流程步驟Changeover improvement process steps

快速換線改善小組QCO team

快速換線六大步驟The six steps QCO

區分外部和內部Separate external from internal

內部換線外部化Convert internal to external

使用功能化工裝夾具Use functional fixtures & jigs

消除調整Eliminate adjustment

採用功能化標準Adopt functional standards

協同工作Work in parallel

換線小竅門Tips for QCO application

