71 Above 餐廳,洛杉磯

71 Above是密西西比河以西最高的餐廳,地處地平面以上950英尺(約290m)處。因此,顧客到訪於此,不僅可以享受由主廚Vartan Abgaryan奉上的當代美式大餐,還可以飽覽從馬裡布到拉古納山,以及洛杉磯盆地和其周邊山脈的壯麗景色。

At 950 feet above ground level, 71Above is the highest restaurant west of the Mississippi. Offering elevated modern American cuisine by Chef Vartan Abgaryan, 71Above boasts breathtaking ocean views from Malibu to Laguna Hills, along with spectacular views of the Los Angeles basin and the surrounding mountain ranges.


▼在950英尺高空的71 Above,可盡情欣賞洛杉磯美景,customs could enjoy the fabulous beauty of Los Angeles at 950 feet above

除了可以欣賞到窗外令人嘆為觀止的景色外,71Above 還為顧客提供了多樣的就餐體驗。比如,選擇靠近大廳的吧台就餐,可以感受大廳的熱鬧氣氛;選擇主廚餐桌,可以觀賞到廚師的烹調過程;而如果選擇半私密用餐區的話,顧客則可以享受安靜私密的浪漫氛圍。

In addition to the magnificent views, 71Above was designed to provide a number of varying dining experiences. Guests may choose to dine within the buzz of the bar or in our adjacent lively main dining room. The Chef』s tables offer views of the open kitchen and transition into a semi-private dining area, offering a quieter and more intimate dining environment.


▼主廳用餐區,main dining room

▼酒品展示櫃作為幕牆,既具分隔空間的功能,又極具觀賞性,the carbits of displaying wines separate the spaces and maintain decorative effect

▼精心設計的配合場地形狀的桌椅,既充分利用了餐廳內的空間,也使就餐免者免受過往行人的干擾,the designed funitue make full use of the space in the restaurant, and prevent the customs from flow of people

▼吧台用餐區,bar for dining

▼主廚餐桌,顧客可在此觀賞主廚的烹調過程,the Chef』s tables offer views of the open kitchen.

▼半私密過渡空間,顧客可在此享受安靜私密的浪漫氛圍,semi-private dining area, offering a quieter and more intimate dining environment.

▼候餐區,waiting area

▼體現浪漫、現代感的背景設置,background with romantic and modern atmosphere

▼體現餐廳名字的鋪裝設計,designed paving with restaurant name

