
The custom of Dragon Boat Festival 端午節的習俗

1. Dragon Boat Racing 賽龍舟

Because Chuese don』t want virtuous minister Qu Yuan died at that time, so there are a lot of people boating to save him after he jumping into river.


2.Eating zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival 端午節吃粽子

People boiled sticky rice or steamed reed on May 5 and then jumped it into the river, to sacrifice to Qu Yuan, with bamboo tube array sticky rice rolls for fear of fish to eat, gradually reed leaves maize replacing bamboo tube.



3.Wearing perfume satchel 佩香囊

Children wear perfume satchel on the Dragon Boat Festival can avoid devil. 端午節小孩佩香囊,避邪驅瘟之意。

4.Eating eggs 吃蛋

Some areas will boil tea eggs and brine eggs to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival. Eggs are henapple, duck eggs, goose egg. Painted red on eggshell, with colorful net bags, hanging in a child's neck, for blessing children, and hopping them are safe.



5.Drinking Realgar Wine 飲雄黃酒

This custom is very popular in the Yangtze river area. 此種習俗,在長江流域地區的人家很盛行。

6.Wash all diseases 游百病

This custom is prevalent in part of Guizhou province on Dragon-Boat festival custom. Some people will go to swim as well.


7.Eat twelve red 吃十二紅

Gaoyou and other places have the tradition of eating "twelve red". Twelve red refers to oil shrimp, Fried amaranth, salted duck egg yellow, cinnabar tofu and so on.


