
鬥彩 Color



Also called China funny color color, traditional porcelain craft treasures. A burning in the Ming Dynasty Xuande period, Chenghua doucai most respected, is under glaze color (blue and white) combined with a variety of decorative glaze color.


Color is pre at high temperature (1300 degrees C) firing underglaze blue and white porcelain, with mineral pigments two colour, fill in the blank left and dyed blue and white blue and white contour lines within the space, and then again into the small kiln after low temperature (800 degrees C) baking. With its bright and colorful shades of color, calm vicious colors, forming a decorative style with the aesthetic taste of the Ming dynasty.


歷史 History

明朝 Ming Dynasty

據歷史文獻記載,鬥彩始於明宣德,但實物罕見。成化時期的鬥彩最受推崇,明清文獻中也稱之為成「窯彩」或 "青花間裝五色"。傳世成化鬥彩瓷器圖案繪畫簡練,內容主要是花鳥、人物。它的做法是先用青花在白色瓷胎上勾勒出所繪圖案的輪廓線,罩釉高溫燒成后,再在釉上按圖案的不同部位,根據所需填人不同的彩色,一般是3至5種,最後入彩爐低溫燒成。按照專家陳萬里先生的意見,成化鬥彩又可以分為點彩、覆彩、染彩、填彩等幾種。成化鬥彩除個別的大碗外,多數造型小巧別緻,有盅式杯、雞缸杯、小把杯等。還有一種繪有海馬或團花的蓋罐,底有一青花「萬」字。

According to historical records, color began in the Ming Xuande, but real rare. As the color most respected, also known as the Ming and Qing Dynasties literature as "kiln color" or "blue and white colors are arranged between the". From Chenghua doucai porcelain patterns painting concise, is the main content of flowers and birds, characters. It is first used in the white blue and white porcelain body outline contour painted patterns, cover glaze after firing, and then in the glaze according to different parts of the pattern, according to the needs of people to fill a different color, is generally 3 to 5, and finally into the color of low-temperature sintering furnace. According to the expert opinion of Mr. Chen Wanli, Chenghua doucai can be divided into color, color dye, coating color, fill color, etc.. Chenghua doucai bowl in addition to the individual, the majority of other small and chic, a cup, cup, small cup chicken cylinder cup. There is a painted hippocampus or Anthocephalus can, at the end of a blue and white "million".

世人談及成化瓷,必對成化鬥彩交口稱讚。成化鬥彩是以釉下青花和釉上多種彩色結合相成的新工藝、新品位,而 使成化官窯瓷器被後人列為諸窯之首(見清人程哲《蓉槎蠡說》)。而作為「成窯上品」的鬥彩更是聲譽極重。

People talk about a need for Chenghua doucai porcelain, praise. Chenghua doucai with underglaze blue and white glaze and a variety of color combined with other new technologies and new grade, the Chenghua porcelain kiln was later listed as the kiln head (see Cheng Zhe Qing Dynasty, "Cha Li Rong"). As a "kiln top grade" is the reputation of heavy color.


Shenzhen Zhonghuang Auction Co. Ltd. in December 23, 2017 was collected on a "Chenghua doucai horseshoe yellow glaze cup, please enjoy.


Chenghua doucai cup horseshoe yellow glaze


Bid for this item, please contact our business personnel in advance for special bidding plate number.


Remarks: Mr.Yang, a Fujian collector


The Chenghua doucai horseshoe yellow glaze cup, is a rare intact appearance with a strong integrated palace style boutique horseshoe cup, worthy of collection investment.

