
英文長句理解是英文學習中最難的部分,也是許多英文學習者經常跌倒的地方。所謂長句,就是一個個「枝繁葉茂」的句子,層層疊疊,結構複雜,反覆使用從句、插入語、分詞等語法結構。長句經常出現在法律文本以及學術著作中。為何在英文裡面長句會是一大特色?我在《英文思維需要一個英文頻道》的系列文章中指出,英文是一種重視「形合」的語言,即句子內部,句子與句子之間是靠大量的「連接詞」、「引導詞」、分詞和標點符號等「形式」結合在一起的,一旦缺少這些「構件」,英文的架構就全散了。而中文不同,中文主要是靠「意合」的,即靠句與句之間的「內在」關係結合在一起的,比如說「躲得過初一,躲不過十五」這句話,有任何連接詞嗎?沒有,但如果你用英文來表示,就得說「雖然躲得過初一,但是躲不過十五」,這個「雖然…但是」就是我所說的「形式」,在中文裡, 離了這些「紅蘿蔔」,你照樣可以成席,而在英文里,卻是斷斷少不得,從這個意義上講,英文比中文的句法更具邏輯性、也更加嚴密。我上一句話其實說得不太準確,應該拿英文同「現代漢語」相比較。為何這麼說?我們今天正在用的所謂「現代漢語」,只有不到一百年的時間,其語言的內在結構、邏輯性與英文和「古代漢語」相比,都有相當的差距,關於這個觀點,我另文再敘。



A certificate purporting to be signed by the Minister or an official of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service ,stating that a report, request or notice was or was not received or given by the Minister, pursuant to this Part and, if so received or given, stating the date on which it was so received or given, is admissible in any court in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof thereof.


破長句的第一個法寶是迅速找到句子的主幹。通常,主語是比較容易找的,這句中顯然是A certificate,難的是找謂語(或系動詞,即形式謂語),長句中的謂語經常與主語相隔甚遠。謂語雖然難找,但是謂語不外乎是動詞或系動詞,而不可能是不定式、分詞、介詞短語、形容詞短語等等,因此,我們的眼睛需要快速搜尋句子中動詞的蹤跡,而動詞在長句中有個特點,即經常出現在標點符號附近。順著這些特徵,我們可以發現本句的動詞是is。找到之後,本句的主幹就出現了,即 A certificate is admissible,是一個「主系表」的結構。

接下來是對枝幹部分的理解。主幹找到之後,句子的大體含義就出來了,即使你對枝幹理解不完全正確,也不影響整個句子的意思。我們對枝幹進行剖析,枝幹是對主幹的修飾、補充、說明,圍繞主幹A certificate有如下的修飾成分:

  • (分詞做定語)purporting to be signed by the Minister or an official of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

  • (分詞做定語)stating that a report, request or notice was or was not received or given by the Minister

  • (形容詞短語做定語)pursuant to this Part and, if so received or given

  • (分詞做定語)stating the date on which it was so received or given


  • (地點狀語)in any court

  • (狀語,表示對象)in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof thereof.


  • the date on which it was so received or given 這個on which it was so received or given是個定語從句,對the date進行修飾;

  • in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof thereof. 這個without…..proof thereof介詞短語是對evidence進行定語修飾。在這個介詞短語中,又包含了一個分詞做定語的枝幹,即

  • the person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof thereof. 其中appearing to ….further proof thereof這個現在分詞是對the person進行了分詞做定語修飾。



