


surface mine 露天礦山

underground mine 地下礦山

mine field 礦田
underground mining
open cut mining
, open pit mining, surface mining 露天採礦
mining engineering

mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing 選礦(學)

metallurgy 冶金(學)
mining technology
metallurgical mineral raw materials
mining intensity
mineral deposit exploration
annual mine output


magnetite 磁鐵礦

hematite 赤鐵礦

limonite 褐鐵礦

siderite 菱鐵礦

chromite 鉻鐵礦

pyrite 黃鐵礦

crushing 破碎

grinding 磨碎

separation 分選

hand sorting 手選

grity separation, grity concentration 重選

magnetic separation 磁選

electrostatic separation 電選

flotation 浮選

chemical mineral processing 化學選礦

mining operation 採礦作業

unit operation 單元作業

auxiliary operation 輔助作業


underhand mining 俯采

overhand mining 仰采

recovery 回採率

sampling 採樣

net effect 凈效應,有效效應,實際結果

disruption in production 停產

reduction in production 減產

ventilation 通風

drainage 排水

haulage capacity 運輸能力

rail haulage 軌道運輸

capital cost 基建費用

portal 井筒

shaft 立井,豎井

slope 斜井

main shaft 主立井

auxiliary shaft 副立井

air shaft 風井

transfer house 中轉煤倉

headframe 井架

car dump 卸煤設備

storage bin 井底煤倉

cover 覆蓋層;

overburden 上覆地層;

rapid excavation 快速掘進

main entry 主巷

expected life of the mine 礦井的設計使用年限


CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to) 運費和保險費付至


CPT(Carriage Paid To) 運費付至


CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)成本、保險費加運費


CFR (Cost and Freight)成本加運費


EXW(EX works) 工廠交貨


FOB(Free On Board)船上交貨


FAS(Free Along Side) 船邊交貨


FCAFree Carrier)貨交承運人


DEQ(Delivered EX Quay) 目的港碼頭交貨


DESDelivered EX Ship)目的港船上交貨


DDPDelivered Duty Paid)完稅後交貨


DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid)未完稅交貨


DAFDelivered at Frontier)邊境交貨



PB/塊:Pilbara Blend Fines/Lump

楊迪粉:Yandi Fines

紐曼粉/塊:Newman Fines/Lump

麥克粉:Mac Fines

混合粉:Fortesque Blend Fines

超特粉:Super Special Fines

國王粉:King Fines

西部粉:Western Fines

RTX粉:Rio Tinto Mixed Fines

羅布河粉/塊:Robe River Fines/Lump

PMI粉:PMI Fines

卡拉拉粉:Karara Fines

Gibson粉:Gibson Fines

Atlas粉:Atlas Fines

金布巴粉:Jimblebar Fines

烏球:Ukraine Pellets

Samarco球團:Samarco Pellets

南非高鈦球團:Ti Pellets

智利球團:Huasco Pellets

秘魯精粉:Peru Concentrate

烏精:Ukraine Concentrate

芬蘭精粉:Finland Concentrate

俄鹼精:Russian Concentrate

IOCJIron Ore Carajas

SSFGStandard Sinter Feed Guaiba

SSFTStandard Sinter Feed Tubarao

SFHTSinter Feed High Silica Tubarao

BRBFBrazilian Blend Fines

LONSLump Ore Non-Screened Guaiba

LONTLump Ore Non-Screened Tubarao


hot-rolled steel 熱軋鋼卷/

refrigerated rolled steel 冷軋鋼卷/

sculped plank 花紋卷/

hot-galvanized steel 熱鍍鋅鋼卷/

galvanized steel 電鍍鋅鋼卷/

chromatic steel 彩塗卷/

abnormal structure steel 反常組織(的)鋼

abrasion-resistant steel 耐磨鋼

angle steel 角鋼

band steel 帶鋼

acid proof steel 耐酸鋼

acid-resistant steel 耐酸鋼; 不鏽鋼

ageing steel 時效鋼

air cooled steel 氣冷鋼, 氣硬鋼

alloy steel 合金鋼

Abnormal Steel 反常鋼; 非正常鋼

Acid-Resistant Steel 耐酸鋼

Acid-Resisting Steel 耐酸鋼

Adamant Steel 特硬鋼

Age Hardening Stainless Steel 時效硬化不鏽鋼

Aging Steel 時效鋼

Air Cooled Steel 氣冷鋼

Air Refined Steel 富氧底吹轉爐鋼

Air-Hardening Steel 氣冷硬化鋼; 空氣硬化鋼

Aircraft Quality Steel 飛機用優質鋼

Alkali Proof Steel 耐鹼鋼

All-Steel 全鋼

All-Steel Cord 鋼絲簾線

All-Steel Threshing Machine 鋼製脫粒機

Alloy Cast Steel 合金鑄鋼

quiet steel 軟鋼; 全脫氧鋼; 全鎮靜鋼

rail and structural steel mill 鋼軌及鋼樑軋機

rail and-structural steel mill 軌梁軋機

rail of self-hardening steel 自淬硬鋼鋼軌

rail steel 鋼軌鋼; 軌鋼

railing of stainless steel tubes 不鏽鋼管欄杆

rapid steel 高速鋼

rapid steel tool 高速鋼工具

rapid tool steel 高速工具鋼

raw steel 原鋼; 粗鋼

quenched steel 淬硬鋼

file steel brush 鋼絲刷

rectangle steel 矩形截面鋼板; 矩形截面鋼板

rectangular bar of steel 長方形鋼

red hard steel 紅硬鋼

Refined Steel 精鍊鋼

Rerolled Steel 半成品鋼

Retractable Steel Rule 鋼捲尺

Ribbon Steel 窄帶鋼

Acid Steel 酸性爐鋼

Rimming Steel 沸騰鋼

Rivet Steel 鉚釘鋼

Riveted Steel 鉚結鋼

Riveted Steel Pipe 鉚接鋼管

Rolled Steel 軋制的鋼材; 軋制鋼; 鋼材

Rolled Steel Beam 輥壓鋼樑

Rolled Steel Channel 軋制的槽鋼

Rolled Steel Products 鋼材

Rolled Steel Wire 盤條

Round Steel 圓鋼

Reinforcing Steel Reinforcement 鋼筋

Relaxation Of Steel 鋼筋鬆弛

Rephosphorised Steel 回磷鋼

Retractable Steel Joist 伸縮式鋼樑; 可縮鋼樑

Retractable Steel Rule 鋼捲尺

Acid Electric Steel 酸性電爐鋼

Ribbon Steel 窄帶鋼

Rich Chromium Ball Bearing SteelWire 高鉻軸承鋼絲

Acid Open Hearth Steel 酸性平爐鋼

Acid Open-Hearth Steel 酸性馬丁爐鋼

Acid Steel 酸性爐鋼

Rimmed Steel Sheet 沸騰鋼板

Rivet Steel 鉚釘鋼

Riveted Steel 鉚結鋼

Riveted Steel Pipe 鉚接鋼管

板卷類 Steel Coil, Sheet & Plate

熱軋板卷 Hot Rolled Steel Coil/Sheet

花紋板卷Checkered Steel Coil/Sheet

熱軋中厚板 Hot Rolled Steel Plate

造船用板卷 Steel Coil/Plate for Shipbuilding

管線鋼板卷 Steel Coil/Plate for Shipbuilding

冷軋板卷 Cold Rolled Steel Coil/Sheet

熱鍍鋅板卷 Hot Dip Galvanized Coil/Sheet

電鍍鋅板卷Electro-galvanized Coil/Sheet

鍍鋁鋅板卷 Al-Zn Alloy-Coated Coil/Sheet

鍍錫板卷 Tin Sheet/Tinned Strip

彩塗板卷Prepainted Steel Sheet

鍍層表面結構Surface Structure


可供牌號 Steel Grade


Heating zone 加熱區

Preheatingzone 預熱區

Furnace 加熱爐

Gas 煤氣

Mixed gas 混合煤氣

Nitrogen 氮氣

Oxygen 氧氣

Resident oxygen 爐內殘氧

Valve 閥門

Bend 彎曲

Combust 燃燒

Centigrade degree 攝氏度

Pyrometer 高溫計

Charge 裝爐

Discharge 出爐

管鋼 Pipe Steel

永磁鋼 Permanent Magnet Steel

鎳鋼 Nickel Steel

中性鋼 Neutral Steel

八角鋼條 Octagon Steel Bar
八角鋼 Octagonal Steel
油淬硬化鋼 Oil-Hardened Steel
油淬鋼 Oil-Hardening Steel
通用鋼 Primary Steel
假鋼 Pseudo-Steel
攪鍊鋼 Puddle Steel
穿孔鋼板 Punched Steel Plate
精鍊鋼 Purified Steel

四角方鋼 Quarter Octagon Steel
淬鋼 Quench Steel



煤炭開採及洗選業 mining and washing of coal

黑色金屬礦採選業 processing of ferrous metalsores

有色金屬礦採選業 processing of nonferrousmetals ores

農副產品加工業 processing of food fromagricultural products

石油加工煉焦及核燃料加工業 oil processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing

化學原料及化學製品製造業 raw chemical material andchemical products

非金屬礦物製品業 nonmetal mineral productsmanufacturing

黑色金屬冶鍊及壓延加工業 smelting and processing offerrous metals

有色金屬冶鍊及壓延加工業 smelting and processing ofnonferrous metals

電力、熱力的產生和供應業 electricity and thermalproduction and supply

