
* Beer and Ale ( 啤酒和麥酒 ) :

Beer made by bottom fermentation at cool temperatures. Color, flavor, and alcoholic content (usually 3%-6%) may vary, but the process in brewing is similar.

* Wine ( 酒, 尤指葡萄酒 ) :

A beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, and occasionally of other fruits. They are usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volume.


*** Table Wine ( 餐酒 ) :

An unfortified grapewineconsidered suitable to be served with a meal.

* Reds ( 紅酒 )

* Whites ( 白酒 )

* Rose (rouz-ei) ( 玫瑰紅酒 ) :

Wine made from dark-skinned grapes whose juice is allowed to ferment with the skins only 12 to 24 hours.

*** Sparkling Wine ( 氣泡酒 ) :

Wine containing carbon dioxide in solution, which bubbles when poured.


* Champagne ( 香檳 ) :

French process of making Champagne , in which yeast and sugar are added to a bottle of still wine, which undergoes a second fermentation in the bottle.

*** Fortified Wine ( 強化酒 ) :

Wine to which brandy or other spirits have been added and was divided into two classes:

* Aperitif Wine ( 開胃酒 ) :

It is not only fortified with spirits but is flavored with aromatic herbs and spices.

* Vermouth ( 苦艾酒 ) :

A sweet or dry wine flavored with aromatic herbs and used chiefly in mixed drinks.

*** Dessert Wine ( 餐后酒 ) :

Most dessert wines are sweet, rich, and heavy, appropriate to the end of a meal.

* Sherry ( 雪莉酒 ) :

It is originally from in Spain . Its style ranges from crisp and lean to rich and sweet depending on production methods.

* Port ( 波特酒 ) :

A rich sweet fortified wine.

*** Whisky/Whiskey ( 威士忌酒 ) :

Spirit distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.

* Scotch Whisky ( 蘇格蘭威士忌 ) :

Whiskey made in Scotland , typically a blend of malt whiskies and grain neutral spirits.

* Irish Whiskey ( 愛爾蘭威士忌 ) :

Whisky made in Ireland from several grains by a triple-distillation process.

* Bourbon Whisky ( 波本威士忌 ) :

Whisky made with 51% or more corn plus other grains, aged at least two years in charred new oak containers.

* Rye ( 裸麥威士忌酒 ) :

1. Whisky made with 51% or more of rye plus other grains, aged at least two years in charred new oak containers.

2. In the East, popular term for blended whisky.

* Blended American Whisky ( 美式混和威士忌 ) :

Whisky containing at least 20% straight whisky plus neutral spirits; there is no aging requirement.

* Canadian Whisky ( 加拿大威士忌 ) :

Blended whisky imported from Canada , light in flavor and body, aged at least three years.

* Light Whisky ( 淡威士忌 ) :

American whisky distilled at 160 to 190 proof, light in flavor and body but not in alcohol.

* Gin 琴酒 (也譯作氈酒或杜松子酒):

A strong, colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root as flavoring.


* Holland Gin/Dutch Gin 荷蘭琴酒

* London Gin 蘇格蘭琴酒

* American Gin 美國琴酒

* Plymouth Gin 普里穆斯琴酒 (英國)

* Vodka ( 伏特加 ) :

An alcoholic liquor originally distilled from fermented wheat mash but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes.

* Rum ( 蘭姆酒 ) :

Spirit distilled from molasses or sugarcane.

* Tequila (ta-kee-la) ( 龍舌蘭酒 ) :

Distinctively flavored spirit from Tequila district of Mexico, distilled at low proof from the fermented juices of the blue agave plant.

* Brandy ( 白蘭地 ) :

Distilled spirit made from wine of other fermented fruit juice.

# Cognac (cone-yak) 科涅克白蘭地 :

Brandy made only in the Cognac region of France , and is the most famous and prestigious in the world.

# Armagnac (ar-man-yak) 阿瑪涅克白蘭地 :

Brandy made in the Armagnac district of France.

# Metaxa (ma-tax-a) 梅德薩白蘭地 :

Greek brandy, slightly sweetened.

# Pisco (pees-ko) 比斯克白蘭地 :

Strong-flavored brandy from Peru .

# Fruit Brandy 水果白蘭地 :

Made from non-grape wine.

# Calvados (kal-va-dose) 卡巴度斯蘋果酒 :

French apple brandy.

# Kirsch (keersh) / Kirschwasser (keersh-vahs-er) 櫻桃白蘭地 :

Wild-cherry brandy from the Rhine valley, colorless and unaged.

# Applejack ( 蘋果白蘭地 ) :

American brandy distilled from apple cider, aged in wood at least two years.

# Slivovitz (shliv-o-witz) ( 梅子白蘭地 ) :

Plum brandy made in central Europe.

# Pear William ( 洋梨白蘭地 ) :

A colorless, unaged brandy is made from pears in Switzerland and France.

# Liqueur/Cordial ( 利口酒/甘露酒/甜香酒 ) :

A spirit steeped or redistilled with fruit, flowers, plants, or otheir juices or extracts, or other natural flavoring materials, and sweetened with 2 1/2 person or more of sugar.

# Famous Liqueurs ( 著名的利口酒 ) :

# Apricot Brandy (杏子白蘭地)

# Amaretto 安摩拉多 (義大利產, 深色杏仁酒)

# Anisette 茴香酒

# Black Berry Brandy 黑梅白蘭地

# Cherry Brandy 櫻桃白蘭地

# Creme de Cacao 可可酒

# Creme de Cafe 咖啡酒

# Creme de Menthe 薄荷酒

# Creme de Violette 紫羅蘭酒

# Cointreau 君度柳橙白蘭地

# Curacao 柑桂酒,柑香酒

# Drambuie 蜂蜜酒

# Galliano 加里安諾 ( 義大利產, 金色茴香酒 )

# Irish Cream 奶油可可愛爾蘭威士忌

# Maraschino 黑櫻桃酒( 一種黑櫻桃釀的甜酒 )

# Peach Brandy 杏桃子白蘭地

# Strawberry Brandy 草莓白蘭地

# Triple Sec 柑香白酒

* Aquavit ( 斯堪地那維亞的開胃烈酒 ) :

A strong, clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.

* Bitter ( 苦酒 ) :

Bitters are spirits flavored with herbs, roots, bark, fruit, and so on, like the liqueurs, but they are unsweetened, and bitter is the right word for them.

There are two kinds: concentrated flavors and beverage bitters.

